The hidden financial benefits of offsetting carbon emissions in the shopping cart

Posted by Temando on Wednesday, October 01, 2014 with No comments

At Temando we support the vision of a more sustainable future. That’s why we can enable carbon offsetting on all shipments booked through our platform. With more and more online businesses now giving their customers the choice to offset the emissions from the shipping of their goods, the question that must be asked is; do consumers want this option? A growing number of environmentally aware consumers are saying yes.

Just as importantly for the merchant is determining the return on the investment from offsetting. Christopher Sewell from The Gaia Partnership has written an article for TrinityP3 that will help you understand how a business case can be prepared to justify embarking on a sustainable pathway. As well as the 'feel good factor', Chris also cites brand image, staff engagement and winning new business as key areas that companies have seen benefits from carbon offsetting.

Click here to read the full article.
